Photos by 前谷開 Kai MAETANI

西尾佳織 Kaori NISHIO

Wisdom of life (Art to live)


Collaborator : 

小島尚人 Naoto KOJIMA
手塚夏子 Natsuko TEZUKA
石見舟 Shu ISHIMI
大泉七奈子 Nanako OIZUMI
Alejandra Armendariz-Hernandez
大道寺梨乃 Rino DAIDOJI
佃七緒 Nanao TSUKUDA

Cover Design:

鈴木哲生 Tezzo SUZUKI

Kaori NISHIO is a Playwright & Director of the theater group 鳥公園 Tori-koen.

For this exhibition, she decided to make a book, ⟪Wisdom of life (Art to live) ⟫ out of the archives of the dialogue between herself and the six collaborators. The book will be delivered by applying through the postcard distributed with the flyer. 

She asked six collaborators to translate the statement of the theater group Tori-koen, from Japanese into English/German/Italian, and also the translation back to Japanese.

The text of the theater group is mainly about how the creation of theater works can be sustainable in the current situation surrounding the theaters and theater groups in Japan.

Nishio asked the collaborators to translate the texts including their own ideas and perspectives.

As all the collaborators are moving or working across different countries, disciplines or areas, her idea is to know how the collaborators have lived and thought in their cross-boundary situation, through the dialogue of the translation process.